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One of the emergency shelters for refugees who may become positive, located inside the transit area at the Dzaleka's camp, 2020.


We support our journalists to publish their work, whether on our platform or with external organisations. For many of them, this marks their initial experience in publishing content in English.

A selection of stories published by media organisations

Stories published by the Refugee Journalism Project

Tales of a Hostile Kingdom

Tales of a Hostile Kingdom

This animation, based on Fuller’s writing, depicts the UK’s “hostile immigration e…

Objects of Resilience

Objects of Resilience

The term resilience is frequently woven into complex narratives of migration. Understandably so. Sur…

UAL Students helping to debunk stereotypes

UAL Students helping to debunk stereotypes

By Dalia Dawood  How can creative practices positively contribute to the way refugees tell their sto…

Project calls for help with freedom of expression sculptures

Project calls for help with freedom of expression sculptures

Refugee Journalism Project (RJP) is calling for media associations, freedom of expression organizati…

Blackburn YMCA celebrates unity

Blackburn YMCA celebrates unity

by Aftab Alexander Mughal Blackburn YMCA organized a joint Refugee Week and Eid Party on 22 June 201…

Let down by failures in immigration legal system

Let down by failures in immigration legal system

By Ibtihag Mahjub MPs, immigration specialists and legal experts gathered at the House of Commons la…

Asylum seekers face inadequate legal advice

Asylum seekers face inadequate legal advice

by Shakib Mohammad Afzali I recently attended a panel on the immigration legal aid market at the Hou…

Unwritten rules of office life in the UK

Unwritten rules of office life in the UK

by Victoriya Holland As a foreigner, I was really excited to discover office life in the UK. However…

Is there any way to stop the persecution of journalists?

Is there any way to stop the persecution of journalists?

By Ernest Zhanaev It was getting dark in London, but the Houses of Parliament were busy with issues …

Tales of a Hostile Kingdom

Tales of a Hostile Kingdom

By Michelle Fuller   My therapeutic expression. ‘The hostile environment’ mental health epidemi…

Gender, race and resilience in journalism

Gender, race and resilience in journalism

On Friday 29 March, it was an honour to welcome British journalist and author Yasmin Alibhai-Brown a…

Researchers building hope for the future

Researchers building hope for the future

by Hasnaa Omar Academics, MPs and those working in the NGO sector gathered at the House of Commons l…

Towards the dream of mutual understanding

Towards the dream of mutual understanding

Former Russian journalist and award-winning filmmaker, Margarita Novikova talks about her latest col…

Surviving torture through creative writing

Surviving torture through creative writing

Journalist, MG is a survivor of torture and a member of Write to Life – a creative writing and…

Breaking out of the London bubble

Breaking out of the London bubble

Ernest Zhanaev meets international journalists at a London Newsrewired conference in a discussion ar…

Longform journalism: From sprinter to marathon runner?

Longform journalism: From sprinter to marathon runner?

Kerim Balci mulls over the passing of the old guard to the new at the UK’s only longform and n…

In celebration of International Women’s Day – Masterpiece

In celebration of International Women’s Day – Masterpiece

Masterpiece by Michelle Fuller   I am woman Intricately woven by the master’s hand, Layers upon…

Motivated by the love of journalism

Motivated by the love of journalism

By Zouhir Al-Shimale I began my journalism career as a civilian reporting on the ground in Aleppo, S…

Gearing up for Refugee Week 2019

Gearing up for Refugee Week 2019

By Ernest Zhanaev It is a crisp February morning and I am on the train heading to the Refugee Week C…

Seeking freedom from the refugee camps

Seeking freedom from the refugee camps

by Hasnaa Omar   You might wonder about those Syrian refugees drowning in the sea as they try t…

Is change really imminent in Bangladesh?

Is change really imminent in Bangladesh?

2019 could be an extraordinary time for Bangladesh. More than 18 billion Bangladeshi people are wait…

Tackling integration through collaborative teaching

Higher Education partners from coLAB gathered in London for the first stage of an initiative that se…

Using theatre to empower refugees

Using theatre to empower refugees

More than a mentoring scheme, the Refugee Journalism Project primarily aims to place and offer job o…

Capturing the added value of integration

Capturing the added value of integration

The Refugee Journalism Project Coordinator, Tessa Hughes, and project participant, Abdulwahab Tahhan…

Reflecting on the mentoring experience

Reflecting on the mentoring experience

The Refugee Journalism Project aims to connect its participants with established UK-based journalist…

Harmony through collaboration

Harmony through collaboration

By bringing together disparate individuals, The Refugee Journalism Project aims to create a network …

It will take more than sympathy to save refugees from drowning in lifejackets

It will take more than sympathy to save refugees from drowning in lifejackets

by Shahd Abusalama As world leaders were meeting in New York for the UN Migration Summit, activists …

Visit to the Guardian Media Group

Visit to the Guardian Media Group

Refugee Journalism Project participants visited the Guardian where they learned about the history of…

Eritrea: A Country In Transition

Eritrea: A Country In Transition

October 3, 2013 marked a black chapter in the history of the small East African nation of Eritrea – …

Afghans Celebrate Cultural Festival in London

Afghans Celebrate Cultural Festival in London

Afghan refugees celebrate their cultural festivals, not only for fun and entertainment, but also to …